Peace of Mind Through Pre-Planning
Pre-arranging your funeral and cemetery arrangements are a beautiful gift to leave to your family. While it greatly reduces the burden on your loved ones to make difficult decisions while mourning, it also ensures your wishes are met. So often the surviving children and spouse struggle to make a decision, a decision that can create tension. Why not remove that burden and have peace of mind that your final resting place meets your plan.
Pre-arranging also allows you to bring peace of mind to your family members for their time of need. Family plots and crypts can be arranged at your request.
When you meet with a member of the Diocese of Trenton Catholic Cemeteries, you will learn about all of your burial options in a relaxed and stress free environment. We have helped hundreds of families and would be happy to help you!

Benefits of Pre-Planning
Making your wishes known
Removing stress from your loved ones
Selecting the exact spot you wish as your final resting place
Financing options
Cost Savings
By pre-arranging with us today, you are locking in the price of your final resting space. We offer 24-month financing with zero interest. A minimum 15% deposit is required for the payment plan with scheduled monthly payments. Military, First Responder and Knights of Columbus discounts are available.
Once your resting place is paid in full, you will be issued a Certificate of Interment/Entombment from the Diocese of Trenton Catholic Cemeteries. This Certificate details the exact location and payment. A Certificate is not a deed. The cemetery land and buildings are owned by the Diocese of Trenton. The Certificate provides the right of interment/entombment/inurnment.
Perpetual Care, as required by State law, is included in the price of your resting place.
The entombment or interment service is billed at the current prevailing rate and cannot be paid in advance. Typically these fees are collected by your funeral director.
Cremation and the Catholic Church
The church first allowed cremation of the body in 1969. It’s popularity has grown in past years, especially post COVID, offering more economical and land usage options.
The Church raises no doctrinal objections to this practice, since cremation of the deceased's body does not affect his or her soul, nor does it prevent God, in his omnipotence, from raising up the deceased body to new life. This cremation, in and of itself, objectively negates neither the Christian doctrine of the soul’s immortality nor that of the resurrection of the body.1
The cemeteries in the Diocese of Trenton offer several options for the placement of human cremated remains. Marble and glass front niches, and outdoor columbarium niches are available as well as ground burial.
With the choice of cremation, there are established guidelines set by the Church and the Diocese of Trenton Catholic Cemeteries:
The choice of cremation must never violate the explicitly-stated or the reasonably inferable wishes of the deceased faithful.
Cremation must not have been selected for reasons contrary to the Christian doctrine
The human cremated remains must be laid to rest in a cemetery
Human cremated remains may not be comingled with other human cremated remains nor with the cremains of pets or animals